Don't even try to scan it.
Hello. I'm Herbert Hui and this is my home on the Internet. Feel free to take off your clothes and romp around my web page.

I am a fourth year student majoring in computer science engineering at UC Davis. Currently, I work at Peter J. Shields Library as a computer techie in the Systems Department. Knowing that the Internet is teeming with prospective employers, my humble resume is now available for your scrutiny.

Congratulations for reading this far. This means you fall into one of two categories. Either you are captivated by my humor and engaging wit, or you are still hoping on a slim chance that you might see pictures of naked women. By default, I will assume you were compelled to continue by my charm, sensitivity and truthfulness.

I find this official university site to be very funny. While you're at it, check out this award I received.

Last Updated: 6/18/98 - Tidbits

Produced and Engineered by Herbert Hui

1997 Big Boy Records. Manufactured and Marketed by Big Boy Records, Davis, California 95616.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, hiring, lending and broadcasting prohibited.